Saturday, 23 February 2008

"Made here!"

"Freshness", "Quality", "Choice" the video proclaims while showing things like
  • Peppers being thrown into clear water
  • Ham being sliced from a joint of meat
  • Salads items (still glistening from a quick dip in the water) being tossed/chopped/prepared
  • Posh jam tarlets being prepared and cooked
  • etc ...
First off, I wish they'd give me the nice LCD monitors from the food court in T2 at Manchester airport, I can think of much more useful things to be doing with them than running this pretty amateur, and frankly pointless video!

Second, I'd like to know how where all the nice lettuce was when they made the rather costly Tuna baggette that I ate. Okay, we're not talking the manky brown lettuce here, but what I got certainly wasn't as as full of life as I'd hoped having being rammed into the tiny baggette to hide the pitiful amount of tuna!

"Quality" - interesting term that, will have to look it up but I'm sure I've seen a definition before where you can refer to anything having "quality" or "qualities", i.e. characteristics. So for the tuna, it had an almost non-existant quality about it!

"Choice" .... at this point I had to smile to myself. There is really little choice; there are no other eatery places around in T2 (well okay, WHSmiths have a few bits and pieces but not much - the one after security is good but the little one before is a bit limited) so you're kinda stuck with the "Food Village". The selection there is pretty limited as well - didn't see an awful lot of veggies (not that this bothers me) and the sandwiches were pretty uninspiring.

I mean, call be a snob (a fair accusation actually) but I'm kinda comparing to M&S here - now they have a pretty good "choice" in terms of food, even for a picky eater like me (can't stand cucumber, tomato, avacado or similar and I can *still* find nice things to eat).

So, in a literal sense, yes "choice", but not much.

But* that's okay really, it's what you expect from a UK airport, train station, or service station; low quality, limited choice, and astronomical prices. What's ironic is the little video campaign trying to convince you otherwise!

[ * So what's the actual problem with starting a sentence with "But"? Must look that up as well]

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