Thursday 10 September 2009

Model Behaviour

Rachel does alot of photo shoots and this afternoon she had one in Manchester which obviously gave us a chance to meet up as well as for me to see her 'at work' and get a tiny glimpse into this whole area.

There are lots of websites where models, photographers, make-up artists, and all sorts of creative people can get in touch and arrange to work together. And that's how Rachel had found the model she was photographing today. I have to say as well as looking stunning she was also absolutely lovely and happily chatted to us both.

Rachel had picked out outfits (two fab dresses), did some tweaking of make-up, as well as obviously suggesting the locations (inside a bar on Canal Street as well as outside) and the poses. The girl she worked with really just seemed to do all of this so naturally and the resulting photos were amazing; clear, colourful, detailed, striking, and very real and just different in style to what I expected. I'll try and remember to add a link here once the pictures are processed and on Rachel's website.

After that we had a few brief hours to have some food, talk, and just enjoying being together. Obviously we've not been going out for long so lots to cover I guess and the time did seem to fly by and only too quickly was it time to go our seperate ways home, thought not before making plans to meet up again soon.

So an interesting, educational, and above all fun evening out.

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